Service Times

Sunday Service: 10:00AM


Our Location

610 S. Main Street

Templeton, CA 93465

(corner of 6th and Main)

About Us

Templeton Pres is a group of people who desire to genuinely reflect the life of Jesus to one another and the community in which we work and live, taking seriously his call to be his hands and feet in the world today.

Contact Us

Church office hours:
Monday-Thursday 9am-3pm



The Scripture tells us that as members of the church we “are the body of Christ and individually members of it.”  -I Corinthians 12:27

I have always believed that as the church we find our strength, joy, and purpose in the Lordship of Jesus Christ our great Shepherd and head.  To me, the church comes down to three B’s.  They are Belong, Believe, Become.  We are first invited by Jesus to Belong to Him.  He calls us, He welcomes us, He accepts and encourages us.  Secondly, we are given the opportunity to Believe in Jesus.  Believing in Jesus means to give our heart to Him.  When we give our heart to Jesus, the Holy Spirit convicts us of our sin, assures us that we have been forgiven, and calls us to a new life in Christ.  This leads us to Become what God intends for us in Jesus Christ.  As members of Christ’s body, we are called to put off the old life and put on the new life led by the Sprit and the fruit of the Spirit that bears forth in us.  The love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control present in our lives are the signs of the changes God brings in our Becoming more Christ like. 


I want to encourage each of us to see the church as something that we are.  Let us view the church not as a place we attend but a people we are a part of and a witness we are called to be. 


I look forward to being the church with you!


Pastor Roger Patton

Soli Deo Gloria

Templeton Presbyterian Church     610 S. Main Street    Templeton, CA  93465     805.434.1921     email: